5 Simple CRO Changes Anyone Can Test [Part 3 of 4]

Eric Kazda  |   October 18, 2017   |  Posted in Lead Generation

You know how important a CRO strategy is, but you’re still unsure of how to implement it. You know the process, you just don’t know what to test. Use these conversion rate optimization tips to help you brainstorm. Any one of these five categories could be tested on any website. Discover the main barriers to a successful sales funnel and how each tip can overcome those barriers.

Main Barriers to the Conversion Funnel

  • It’s too difficult for the visitor to complete the funnel
  • The visitor experiences doubt during the funnel

Almost every conversion optimization ties back to these two main barriers. CRO is all about the user experience. How can you make the sales funnel easy and desirable to the prospective lead?  You remove their doubt and make it simple to follow through on the chosen call-to-action. Here are a few popular CRO tests that anyone can apply to their own website. These changes can give you ideas for your own CRO strategy.

1. Change a page’s visual elements.

Visual elements can include the general layout of a page, pictures included, and other graphic design components like text color. Play around with these elements to find the most visually appealing combination. These changes can help lead a visitor’s eye to the next intended step in the sales funnel.

2. Change a page’s text elements.

Text elements can include the copy on a page, the headlines, the sub-headings, and even the testimonials that are included. What is a visitor reading that either persuades them or puts doubt in their mind about your product? Rewrite copy like blog titles to create a compelling case to follow through on the sales funnel. Persuasive text can remove a prospective customer’s doubt – one of the most common barriers.

3. Edit the call-to-action.

CTAs can be represented in a thousand different ways. If your CTA isn’t converting the way you’d like, try changing it. This can be done in a myriad of ways.

  • Instead of a static CTA at the bottom of a page, make the CTA pop-up while the visitor is at the top of the page.
  • Instead of making the CTA a graphic banner, make the CTA a normal text link.
  • Change the wording in the CTA.

Keep testing new combinations until you find positive results. A high-performing CTA is one of the keys to a successful CRO strategy.

4. Add features to the page.

Some pages have success when there are additional features and functionality built into them. Try inserting any of these special features onto a relevant page to increase engagement and remove friction from the user experience.

  • Live chat
  • Custom calculator
  • Built-in form
  • Etc.

Features like these can impress the visitor, and make it easy for them to get all the information they need to make that final decision without leaving your website.

5. Improve website navigation.

If someone is having difficulty completing the funnel, it’s often because they’ve become frustrated during the process. Maybe they can’t find what they’re looking for, or it’s not clear how to get where they want to go. These frustrations can be solved by improving general navigation.

  • Implement mega-menus instead of regular drop-down menus.
  • Change search result layouts.
  • Redo category names for better user experience.

Remember that it isn’t enough to have a beautiful website, it should also be simple for a visitor to use.

Read the first two articles in our CRO series.

Catch up on our previous blog posts for our final CRO article comes out next week!

1) The conversion rate definition & why it’s vital to your digital marketing strategy.

2) How to properly create a CRO strategy tailored to your needs & what that process looks like.

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Eric Kazda

Eric Kazda is a leading expert in the interactive development industry with over fifteen years of experience. With a mastery of critical development technologies, Eric has crafted innovative award-winning work for clients both large and small. Coupling this knowledge with a real world understanding of usability and technological feasibility, his work is developed to be accessible by every user.