Top 3 Email Marketing Strategies for Non-profits

Craig Kazda  |   August 25, 2016   |  Posted in Lead Generation

Regularly scheduled emails are a great way for a non-profit business to keep in touch with potential donors from the community. In fact, using this tactic the right way can substantially help non-profits increase the donations they receive. A carefully planned e-blast can go a long way to helping your organization reach new goals. Today, we are outlining a few key ways to effectively use email to increase donations.

  1. Holiday Giving-Focused Emails
    According to a survey from GuideStar, about half of non-profit organizations receive a majority of their donations between the months of October and December. People become more inspired to give during the holiday season, and by getting your organization’s needs heard by the right ears during this critical time, you could see a big difference in the donations that follow. During this time of year, a gift-focused catalog tends to be well received. For example, if your non-profit provides coats, blankets, and hats to the poor, the guide might show that a $25 donation provides 4 blankets to families in need. Specifics about exactly what the donation money is being used for are always valued, and can increase the chances of repeat donors.
  2. Email a Story
    People love to hear about people, and there is tremendous power in detailing inspirational, true stories. Profile some of the families or individuals that your organization has touched, and explain further how their lives have been positively impacted. Consider making this type of email a recurring thing, for example, “Weekly Update Wednesdays.”
  3. Express Your Thanks
    A small gesture of thanks goes a long way. Whether a donation comes in that is big or small, a thank you email is important. Letting those who have donated know that their donation was received and appreciated, and that it is on its way to change the lives of those receiving it can be incredibly motivating. A personal touch to the thank you, which details exactly how their donation will be used is also beneficial.

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Craig Kazda

Craig facilitates the execution of each project from start to finish, helping you convey your vision and bring it to life. Craig’s primary objective is to make certain that all of your needs are addressed throughout the project, from detailed technical specifications to assisting with collecting assets. This allows the staff of Quantum Dynamix to focus on what they do best; creating innovative work that meets your objectives.